4109 E. Lincoln Highway
Thorndale, PA 19372

Phone: 610-269-1298
Fax: 610-269-0787
Toll-Free: 1-866-536-5490

Hood Detail:

  1. 34567
  2. VOLVO
  3. WCS (SHORT)
  4. HOOD Volvo WCS Short
  5. JP
  6. V01
  7. NEW
  8. 34567
  9. Volvo(Short) W.C.S.
  10. 1092852
  11. Fits small conventional white G.M.C.
  12. 1985-1991, Hood length approx 38 1/4"
  13. Fits short conventionals and may be listed as W.C.S. or W.I.S.
  14. Known as Victor Model
  15. Shipping Wt Crated = 230 lbs
  16. Undercoating added to suppress starburst
  17. Cofab in high stress areas
  18. Kevlar reinforced cowling
  19. Rd & Sq Headlight applications scribed in hood
  20. V01